Subject Line:🔥Fresh VP hoodies just dropped!
Subject Line: 🔥 Big updates, fresh drops, & track wins!
A/B Test Sign Up Form – Full page vs Pop Up
SUBJECT:👍Thanks for signing up!
SUBJECT: 👋Hey {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }}, you left this behind!
SUBJECT: {{ first_name|title|default:” }}💰Can we bribe you?
{{ first_name|title|default:” }}⏰Going, going, almost gone
🥳Want special Bday deals?
SUBJECT: What did you think of {{ event.structured_product.title }}?
SUBJECT: 👋Hi {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }}, Where’d you go?
SUBJECT: {{ first_name|title|default:” }} 🎆 July 4 deals are on! 1 week only
SUBJECT:🔥This is a BIG deal! Only days left
Subject Line:👋Hi {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }} – don’t miss Black Friday: up to 65% off
Subject Line: VP cyber week is on🏁
Subject line: Hi {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }}, Unwrap your Christmas deals!🎄
SUBJECT: 👋Latest VP news and deals
SUBJECT: 👀see something you liked?
SUBJECT: 👀see something you liked?
EMAIL SUBJECT: 🏁Time for a comeback?
🚨Hey {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }}, Grab your $0 VP knit beanie
Subject: 👋Here’s an easy way to maintain yard equipment
Subject: ⌛Hey {{ first_name|title|default:’there’ }} – Time running out on this promo⌛
🎁Want to be dad’s favorite this Father’s Day?
🎁Want to be dad’s favorite this Father’s Day?
Copywriting for Q&A Customer Testimonial
Copy for Double-Side Mailer
Copy Product Description for Sales Flyer
Emergency Preparedness Flyer
Employee of the Month Internal Email